This is a response to an article on by Geordie Tait. To fully understand my post, check out his article.
Recently, Geordie Tait wrote an article about the negative stereotypes of women and how they are perpetuated in gaming/nerd culture. It was framed as a letter to his future daughter and published on I was told to reserve my judgment until the end of the article, which was difficult for a variety of reasons. Before I talk about what I feel the intended message of the article was, I want to share some of the problems I had with it.
I found that despite the fact that he was referring to geeks, nerds, and gaming culture in general (Things I can identify with) - it was alienating. Throughout the article he made backhanded comments and generalizations about people like me and my other "nerd" buddies. All the while he was condemning us for perpetuating a culture of misogynistic generalizations and backhanded comments. He then proceeded to call us hypocrites (You seeing what I'm seeing?). I couldn't keep count of the times I rolled my eyes at the condescending statements in the article.
These problems were present throughout, and they made it difficult to take the message seriously. The delivery is important, and he missed a valuable opportunity.
By far, the biggest issue I had with the article, however, was that I did not feel appropriately represented at all despite the fact that I consider myself and most of my friends nerds and geeks. In fact, most of my friends and I don't resemble the "socially ostracized," "depressed," "bitter," "hairy," (What was even the point of that one?) characterization of a nerd mentioned in the article at all.
I was happy growing up and continue to be. I talked to people, had a solid group of friends that I counted on, I never hated women, and I really wasn't that hairy (-_-). I never thought that I deserved a medal just because I never physically abused a woman. I fell in and out of love, I was hurt by rejection (like most people are at some point in their lives), and I experienced both high and low points in my romantic relationships. You see, Mr. Tait -I was just a regular guy who enjoyed playing video games. I'm not an anomaly either - most of my friends resembled this description. We were just guys who liked video games - both competitively and for fun. Although we all loved video games, we were all unique.
I never thought of video games as an obsession - I was passionate about them because they were meaningful to me, but obsessed is a stretch - like many of the statements in Geordie's article. I loved video games more than any of my other hobbies which included tennis, soccer, rapping, basketball, among others (all of which I was proud of). I loved gaming the most because of the variety of games and the depth of knowledge required to compete at most games. The detailed characterization of himself as a nerd who hated women as an awkward adolescent doesn't fit with my definition of it, and before you start, Geordie - I'm not a twisted misogynist despite the fact that I disagree with you. The reason our definitions differ is because nerd culture is just different now. When I think of nerds, I think of the passionate, talented, intelligent, diverse people in the gaming communities I have been lucky enough to be a part of. Despite the fact that we all love video games, we are all unique and multidimensional. This concept of a nerd is from my personal experiences, and I understand that not everyone perceives nerds in this way.
What you fail to acknowledge, Geordie, is that not everyone sees nerds as you do either. The culture has changed, the perception of nerds has changed, and the people have diversified dramatically over the past
decade. Instead of acknowledging that not all nerds fit into his characterization (I would even argue that most don't), he hand picks quotes from the comments section of forums and blogs - and then generalizes the attitudes within the quotes to the gaming community as a whole. The worst thing about it is that after he makes false assum
ptions about the community, he implies that those who disagree are somehow disturbed sexists. This hardly opens the topic up to intelligent discussion, which defeats the point. Why is it so hard for some writers to understand that insulting a group of
people or making backhanded, sarcastic insults will not lead to honest, intelligent, CRUCIAL discussions about feminism or false stereotypes?
When he's not quoting comments on online blogs / foru
ms to support his argument, he even quotes popular St
arcraft commentator, Sean "Day[9]" Plott - claiming that "like most male gamers, he (Day9) doesn't understan
d that gendered insults are wrong and off-putting to women." I have watched many of the
day[9] dailies, which is a show where Sean Plott analyzes Starcraft replays and interacts with the community. First of all, Geordie does
not even know which daily this quote came from, and he
provides no context. That aside, the story he was referring to was one in which Mr. Plott shares a Starcraft tidbit with his girlfriend: that gg stands for good game and people say it at the end of games to show sportsmanship. She would always type it out as G.G. instead of gg to poke fun at him. Here's the quote:
"It's not 'gee-dot gee-dot' it's 'GG' you young bitch!"
Without proper context, the article misleads people to believe that Day9 is disrespectful to women.
In reality, even if you heard the actual story without any knowledge of S
ean Plott instead of one isolated quote with no context, you should be able to see
how the story certainly is not a concrete example of misogyny.
What's wor
se is t
hat Geordie further insults Day[9] by suggesting that the message he cares for dearly, that of "nerd pride," was harmful and misogynistic. After dissecting and mo
cking each part of day[9]'s E-sports manifesto, Mr. Tait goes on to claim that it contributes to the "high perch of cultura
l satisfaction" and that it gives gamers a sense of entitlement to "Nerd-rage" at anyone who doesn't und
erstand their passion. Ho
he can twist day[9]'s message -which is to wear your
passion of gaming with pride and share it with other people while transcending mainstream stereotypes - is beyond my understanding and that manipulation is extremely dangerous.
Before I address the Destructoid article, I want to talk about the Todd Anderson article titled: "Constructed Criticism - Living the Dream of Pro Magic." The reason I want to address this article specifically is because it exemplifies Geordie's pattern of misleading people by not giving proper context. Although he did link the article, I highly doubt that he actually expected readers to click the link and read through it because there was a huge disconnect. I read Anderson's article, and I was shocked at the difference between it and what was written in Tait's. According to Geordie's "Cliffnotes" version of the story there were 4 bulletpoints :
1. Author paints self as irresponsible drunk
2. Wife breaks down in tears, thinks everything is her fault
3. ...
4. Profit
Let me give you an honest "Cliffnotes" version of the story:
1. Author moves out of town to support his wife's career aspirations
2. Author's wife does not support his passion because it does not provide stable income
3. Author drinks frequently - he is miserable and hates his job
4. Author quits his regular job to play Magic professionally
5. Him and his wife fight frequently because of a failure of communication on BOTH ends
6. Wife finally realizes that he isn't happy and that he just wants her to be proud of him - She breaks down
7. They make up and live happily ever after
Maybe I just saw more in the article than Geordie did. Maybe he just left out important aspects of the article to support his argument. It didn't seem to be important to Geordie that the author sacrificed a lot to move away and support his wife's career (So she would be happy). Then, when he quit his job that made him miserable - she was not able to make a big sacrifice and support him while he gave it a shot? Are we reading the same article here? Maybe Geordie linked the wrong article - or maybe I'm a misogynist. Who knows? Please do take a look at the article yourselves - if nothing else, it is certainly interesting and thought-provoking. Despite what Mr. Tait thinks, it was clear to me from the beginning of the article that the author did not blame his wife for him being miserable - he also clearly wanted to make her happy. I think getting over relationship problems and communication barriers while pursuing your dream and supporting your partner is pretty damn inspirational.
Now, for the infamous Destructoid Article by Alyssa Bareznak. Well, it doesn't start out on a positive note. In the revised version, she starts off by saying that the article sounds mean - then she says that "One person's Magic is another person's finger nail biting and no online profile is deep enough to account for that." I can understand what she is trying to say - online profiles don't account for every aspect of a human being and that can cause problems. The article could have been humorous - the article could have made a good point. However, her negative preconceptions about nerds or people who play Magic: The Gathering are clear when she opens up by comparing it to a bad habit like nail-biting. As a writer, whether you just blog, or are featured on a prominent website - you should always keep in mind that word choice can affect how people view the article, regardless of your intentions. As I said before, delivery is extremely important. The error of choosing the wrong words or tone of voice seems to be a theme in gaming "journalism" and coverage- One blogger makes a post about a completely relevant topic (In this case online dating - in the case of Mr. Tait's article, negative stereotypes of women in gaming culture) but throws in condescending remarks and low blows towards the gaming community. I don't know why- maybe for more views, maybe to be controversial, or maybe because of their own preconceptions about gaming culture. The community responds angrily (many comments irrational tirades against the author - but many also constructively criticizing the author). Then the author either writes a follow-up post (often highlighting ONLY the negative, immature comments posted, which is both misleading and manipulative) criticizing the community for their overreaction or declares nerds as whiny babies, sexists, racists, etc., who failed to understand the writer's intentions. (Or according to good ole Geordie, to punish girls for making fun of them...?)
After the condescending opening of the article, Alyssa goes on to tell an interesting story that shows that online dating websites don't always match you with people you are going to be compatible with. Throughout, Alyssa uses this condescending language and a dismissive tone towards geeks in general - it can be frustrating to try to see through it all and find the take-home message, but it is there. Again, maybe it's just the psychotic sexist in me, but it seems that she characterizes Mr. Finkel, a Magic champion, as a creepy individual who couldn't be romantic if his life depended on it.
Maybe it's wrong to call her shallow based on this one article - but how would you feel if someone implied that people who played a game you loved were creepy and unromantic? This guy certainly went beyond playing Magic for fun in his free time, but it was also his profession that supported him financially. He was serious about it. Would the response be any different if his profession was different? I don't think so. In fact, I think the response would be much worse if she criticized a profession that society held in higher regard. I think that's part of the problem -maybe she thought it was okay to insult all the nerds out there because everyone insults nerds... right? Then again maybe I shouldn't make assumptions about what she was thinking when she alienated the very demographic that destructoid attracts - however tempting it may be (especially as a psychology major). Then I would be heading down a dangerous road - one that Mr. Tait seems willing to travel quite often. I have to say, Geordie, you're not setting a great example for your "kiddo" in the article.
Obviously one isolated incident isn't enough to convince me that Alyssa is a shallow person, and it doesn't tell me much about her personality - I agree that the response to the article was heated and many of the comments were uncalled for. However, it is not rational to say that everyone who responded with criticism is on a "high perch of cultural self-satisfaction" and are just bitter nerds who rage because they can't take rejection as well as others. It's these assumptions about the motives behind the negative feedback that make me cringe as I read Mr. Tait's article. Every negative comment came with a sarcastic remark about how this nerd must have been rejected by girls his whole life and how that nerd must have been bitter and depressed.
When I read the comments, I saw some overreactions - but I didn't see the herd of angry nerds filled with rage and bitterness over their pathetic love lives. I didn't see the irrational, socially ostracized psycopaths you characterize in your article. I saw a group of people who love a variety of video games and are offended by the tone and word choice that several journalists have recently used to describe all of us. I see a group of people who are tired of being generalized - a group of people who are tired of journalists and writers like you who think you have us all figured out - when in reality, you are frankly wrong and unqualified to make those kinds of assumptions.
You see, Geordie, I don't want to be with a partner who thinks that gaming is a bad habit of mine. I don't want to date someone who thinks that gaming is silly or that it is a turn-off. Surely you can understand that I don't want to be involved with someone who I can't share my interests and passions with. Can't someone just criticize a writer for generalizing and alienating a group of people instead of promoting a healthy discussion about negative stereotypes? That is a valid criticism and it is applicable to her article, as well as yours.
Is Geordie not perpetuating false, negative stereotypes of male gamers while pretending to be some sort of civil rights pioneer for women? To me, it would not have mattered if Alyssa and Jon switched places. I would have a similar, negative response - as would most of the people I know in the gaming community. To be clear, I don't think I have any right to tell Alyssa what she can and can't do - especially when it comes to personal topics. Surely I can empathize with that situation - I have (and we all have) been in situations in which we are interacting with people who do not have the slightest interest in our hobbies, profession, or passion. I just think she could have gone about it in a less condescending way.
Finally, I want to address Geordie Tait's article and the message I got out of it. I will start by sharing a story about my girlfriend and I in high school. We had just gotten together, and I was sharing some of the things that were important to me with her. She decided to try out Halo 3, and I even gave her the microphone in case she wanted to talk some trash and really get into it (Terrible idea in retrospect). Because she had never really played many shooters, the controls were foreign to her. While she was learning she was asking me how to jump, reload, etc. After hearing her voice and realizing that she was a girl, her teammates started to make inappropriate, offensive comments. She was clearly upset, but I was desensitized. This moment gave her a negative first impression of gaming - and it took a long time for that to change.
You see, although I had not been guilty of making inappropriate comments about females while playing Halo - I was used to them - and that was not okay. Often, people get frustrated playing video games and they target your race, sex, or age even though they are unrelated to your gaming skill. Whatever someone can say to offend you, you will probably hear it. Hell, it was only a year ago that I used my first name as a username in World of Warcraft (Ahmed) - and I got many offensive comments about my ethnicity. I can totally understand the frustration that comes with losing - when you spend time trying to improve at anything competitive and you lose it can be tough to deal with. However, many people cross the line.
Part of the problem is the anonymity, and part of it is that Mr. Tait attempts to address - the perpetuation of negative stereotypes of women (as well as any minorities) in gaming culture. The issue I have with the take-home message, however, is that it implies that these negative stereotypes originate with or are exclusive to video gaming culture. Contrary to what some may believe, negative stereotypes of women in media have been prevalent in photography and cinematography since their invention. These unrealistic portrayals continue to be problems in today's entertainment culture - whether it is magazines, movies, books, etc. In every form of entertainment, both women and men are held to unrealistic standards. Singling out the video gaming culture is - again - misleading.
I completely agree that women are unrealistically and condescendingly portrayed in most video games - this is a huge problem that I am happy to discuss - but the conversation should not be prefaced with sarcastic jokes and assumptions about my past interaction with women. I did not become involved in gaming culture because of sexism - Hell, I just thought it was really cool to control a base and make an army. Although the tech industry is clearly male dominated - I believe a huge reason for that is the social stigmas associated with women in the tech industry. I don't think that video game culture is the culprit here. Technology related jobs do not align with the historically traditional roles of women - we have a much bigger problem than the unrealistically portrayed women in video games. This issue is pervasive in our culture. However, I believe that we can transcend these unrealistic, social guidelines and schemas - whether you are a man or a woman by valuing your individuality and realizing the importance of your words. But what do I know? I'm just a raging misogynist.
"In every form of entertainment, both women and men are held to unrealistic standards."
ReplyDeleteAn important point that needs to be repeated again and again.
I agree completely : ) Thanks for reading and commenting
ReplyDeleteAgreed completely. Thanks for taking time to do this.
"In every form of entertainment, both women and men are held to unrealistic standards. Singling out the video gaming culture is - again - misleading."
ReplyDeleteI think you're misreading what he said. His article is directed toward the gaming culture because that's the culture he's part of and that he wants his daughter to be able to be a part of, but nowhere does he make that leap of logic. You're doing that on your own and I think you're putting words in the author's mouth that aren't there.
Also, from your point about him "mocking" day[9]'s manifesto, it's clear that you misunderstood much of the tone of the article. He was actually praising day[9]'s manifesto as a very good thing (seriously, go re-read that section) but saying that even intelligent, well-meaning people can fall into the trap of misogynistic comments without realizing it.
Tait is writing the article as a gamer himself and that's why much of the focus is the way it is. Yes, it's entirely possible that you grew up with a subsection of the population that is much more enlightened on these issues, but unfortunately that's not the case everywhere. Your anecdote about your girlfriend's first experience with Halo shows me that you and Tait really should be on the same page, I think you're just getting caught up in tone (some of it misinterpreted by you) and some semantics.
Also, to clarify, I think part of the disconnect between this article and your experiences growing up is that gaming culture has become a lot more mainstream in the past several years. That could be a sign that things are indeed getting better as gaming is now more of an accepted pastime and not relegated to the socially ostracized. However, for the older gaming crowd, many of them who began gaming either did so because of their social status or received flak socially for them gaming. I think the generational gap between you and Tait needs to be considered while keeping this article in context. Keep in mind that the average gamer age is over 35 and that you're on the younger end of the spectrum even though you're in college. There's at least 15 years between you and the average gamer, and that's a not-insignificant gap!
ReplyDeleteI don't think it will be possible to talk in productive, intelligent, constructive ways after insults, false generalizations, and assumptions are thrown out about one group. If he really wants to open up a discussion about negative stereotypes about women in gaming culture - he shouldn't be so condescending about it. That's my main point.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I hardly think his points are eloquent and the article is certainly not well written or poses a strong argument - I do agree with some of Tait's points. He just needs to support it with an actual argument based on psychology rather than false assumptions or quotes on internet forums. He seems to be mocking day9's manifesto - even though you see it as praise. That's a big problem with his writing - his tone is ambiguous in some areas - and when it's not ambiguous it's condescending - so we can assume that he means it as an insult (even if he doesn't).
His argument is not clear - his support is almost nonexistent - his tone is disrespectful to the community he wants to reform - and his ideals that he is preaching are not even followed within the post. Combined with the fact that he characterizes anyone who disagrees with his points very strictly - the article has HUGE flaws that are hard to ignore. This absolutely CANNOT provide a forum for a productive discussion - and the points I made cannot be ignored by male gamers.
Specifically about the day9 quote - calling someone a bitch is not inherently misogynistic - otherwise I guess all of us on Earth are misogynists. If he is trying to say "We can all make misogynistic comments without intending to" he should have used a quote that was actually valid.
ReplyDeleteAlso, just as my final counter to your argument - the fact that the culture of gaming has changed is not addressed AT ALL in the article. In fact, it is something that I brought up in my response above. So if anyone is guilty of ignoring the progression of gaming culture - it certainly isn't me.
ReplyDelete"40% percent of all game players are women. In fact, women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (34%) than boys age 17 or younger (18%)"
Just saying that women make up a huge amount of the gaming population - even though the professional gaming scene is hugely skewed towards males.
I have taken into account the progression of gaming culture in my article. Tait CLEARLY did not. So why you are asking me to consider that is peculiar - because he is the one who fails to even recognize that in his article at all. This is also ignoring the fact that other forms of entertainment are bigger contributors inherently.
Consumers spent $25.1 billion on video games, hardware and accessories in 2010.
ReplyDeletePurchases of digital content accounted for 24 percent of game sales in 2010, generating $5.9 billion in revenue.
Seventy-two percent of American households play computer or video games.
The average game player is 37 years old and has been playing games for 12 years.
The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 41 years old.
Forty-two percent of all game players are women. In fact, women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (37 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (13 percent).
In 2011, 29 percent of Americans over the age of 50 play video games, an increase from nine percent in 1999.
Fifty-five percent of gamers play games on their phones or handheld device.
Seventy-six percent of all games sold in 2010 were rated "E" for Everyone, "T" for Teen, or "E10+" for Everyone 10+. For more information on game ratings, please see
Parents are present when games are purchased or rented 91 percent of the time.
One thing you completely fail to do is differentiate between casual gamers and those who can actually be considered to contribute to "gaming culture."
ReplyDeleteYour statistics about gaming populations are far less indicative of that community than Mr. Tait's anecdotal experiences.
Shaed, I didn't actually see any attempt of Geordie Tait to differentiate between casual gamers and other gamers. (I also happen to think excluding casual gamers from gamer culture is off)
ReplyDeleteI took the time to go Taits article and list the characteristics Tait ascribes to gamers:
_ ...knuckle-dragging apes... gamers and their terrible attitudes towards you... probably the least-valuable intelligence out there—the smirking, arrogant synaptic pep... an entire race of squanderers, of keen minds turned to inert and even flagellatory ends... The tech industry is among the most [sexist] in America...male keyboard warriors, many with the welts of social ostracization still open and weeping upon their hairy backs... Gamers are always trying to “Next Level” things and fancy themselves the Smartest Boys Club in the World. Pick a societal stricture that might actually prevent philandering and a gamer will give you a reason that he can just shrug it off... boys in her industry treat girls poorly and take them for granted... the subway-groping attentions of the otaku... all manner of ignorance, stereotyping, and hate from male gamers... in the romantic arena, male gamers still act like a cringing minority... scornful, entitled males... fancying themselves unappreciated, intelligent, and more worthy than other males of female attention... their fetishistic gamer culture... [gaming is] an obsession…in their soggy underdrawers... they rot in their basements... [a woman who dates a gamer] don't have to accept his guilt-tripping and the cruelty of his friends, all of whom play, all of whom resent you for the loss of their raiding buddy or playtest partner. You don't have to accept his culture and that culture's ignorance to your needs, nor do you have to subject yourself to their biases...[if you’re a gamer] you voided a black pool of nihilism down your own unsteady leg at age 16, and you've been floundering in it ever since..._
He does not qualify this with any phrases such as "some", "a minority", or "a subset". Sometimes he qualifies it as applying only to male gamer, and he uses "he" through it, but otherwise, it applies to everyone. And as written, a lot of that is a blast at female gamers too. Once, he stresses that this applies to ALL gamers "Every woman who has ever dated a gamer has some version of this story."
Now this may be how you see your gamer friends, and maybe you feel that all the female gamers you know "voided a black pool of nihilism down their own unsteady leg at age 16, and have been floundering in it ever since" And your male ones. But it doesn't describe mine.
Also, the whole rhetorical device of setting two minority groups up against each other is considered about as low as you can get. I mean, the fact that most gamer girl blogs have disagreeed with Tit is considered so threatening that he has to brand females who disagree with him as "uncle toms" and "house negroes"!
Think about that for a moment.
Also...yes the statistics are more indicative about the gaming population than anecdotal experiences. That is what "anecdotal evidence" actually _means_.
Shaed, casual gamers actually affect gaming culture quite a bit.... and no my anecdotal evidence (all the people I know in the gaming community do NOT fit Mr. Tait's unflattering, insulting, description) is supported by factual evidence. Gamers are diverse. Statistically they HAVE to be diverse considering how much of the population they make up.
ReplyDeleteMr. Tait, in his article, covers a lot of ground, certainly, but two points are consistently reiterated:
ReplyDelete1) Gamers have had to struggle as a sub-culture to gain the amount of mainstream acceptance that they currently have. Mr. Tait, himself, as well as many of his friends, my friends, and acquaintances throughout our lives know intimately the difficulties of being a "nerd" growing up, and have struggled to overcome insecurity, alienation, and resentment towards those of whom we have viewed as easily integrating into mainstream society. I don't think any of this is inherently insulting. This is our history. Plenty people play sports as well as videogames, but there is no denying the history of the hardcore gaming subculture, and Mr. Tait documents the many examples of this perspective, praising certain elements and critiquing others.
2) There is a lot of misogynistic language used casually by the members of Mr. Tait's tribe. There are plenty of examples of this in his article, and I'm sure we've seen plenty of examples in our day-to-day lives. To dismiss these insults as mere trolling-- or scapegoating some angry "other" minority of gamers-- shows an implicit condoning of such language. Frankly, someone calling you a nerd and you calling someone a slut are not equal. It's not about protecting women, or generalizing, it's simply about the meaning of the words and their context in our society.
Geordie Tait's article is not about defending Alyssa Bereznak. It is not about denigrating gamer culture, of which he is clearly fond and with which he identifies. His article was about a well documented dearth of gender equality in our culture, exacerbated by an even greater aversion to simply keeping a civil discourse when discussing emotionally and politically important (and sometimes touchy) issues.
Ultimately, I think Geordie Tait says something very positive: We can be better. We can have more influence in human society. We have an opportunity to actually live our ideals. We can be romantics and do what we love. We don't have to be defensive, or insecure. We can say that we've created something of value. And now it's time to show that our communities have value beyond protection from ridicule, or money-making, or escapism. I don't see how anyone who cares about gaming culture can take what Mr. Tait said as anything less than a galvanizing and optimistic rallying cry.
Jon, I did not notice Tait praising any element of gaming culture. Perhaps you could point to one?
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I found provocative about Taits article is the presumption that gamers and geeks are alienated and insecure because they deserve to be.
Yes there are misogynistic language used by gamers. Call the papers! Where Tait goes wrong is in stating that gaming culture is in some way worse than other subcultures. This is at best touchingly naive.
And...Taits article is, in part, about defending Alyssa Bereznak. That is indisputable. He works like a 2000 $/hour lawyer to defend her. He called her article "uncompromising" and "forceful". He advices his imaginary daughter she is well within her rights to do the same as Alyssa did.
And while he may not have started out to denigrate gamer culture, I think it is beyond doubt that that is what it became about. I urge you to take a look at the gamer characteristics he used, that I listed earlier. That is a lot of words dedicated to one single subject.
One does not write that gamers voided a black pool of nihilism down their own unsteady leg at age 16, and have been floundering in it ever since, if one is trying to be constructive.
I chose to believe that Tait had a positive intention with the article. He just chose to write it in a way that will repel anyone who really needs to take its message to heart. And a lot of others. The massive straw man it is built around, the repellent attempt to crush dissenting female views, the torrent of bile at gaming culture in general rather makes sure it is not a positive contribution to any discussion whatsoever.
"However, for the older gaming crowd, many of them who began gaming either did so because of their social status or received flak socially for them gaming. I think the generational gap between you and Tait needs to be considered while keeping this article in context. Keep in mind that the average gamer age is over 35 and that you're on the younger end of the spectrum even though you're in college. There's at least 15 years between you and the average gamer, and that's a not-insignificant gap! "
ReplyDeleteI started to game at 3-4...because it was interesting, funny and passed time. I got interested in the complicated stuff over time, and fell in love with JRPGs at 13, when I first played Super Mario RPG. I'm 29.
I did consider part of the paradigm about taking pride in gaming, and not being 'one of those', referring to popular kids. Especially as I was being beaten up for being a trans aspie kid. I didn't want anything to do with mainstream stuff - the stuff that wanted me dead.
I did consider nice guy attitudes, and then eternal celibacy, and then suicide, eventually transitioned instead. And amazingly, it's easier as a female gamer geek, even if trans.
I'm not assumed to be permanently horny and ready to beg any female in the vicinity for anything even resembling sexuality anymore. Now I'm assumed to be a giver of it, not always-hungry.
As for sexist and immature comments on blogs, forums and in-game (I don't play FPS btw), I ignore them the same way I ignore fundamentalist Christians. There's always going to be assholes, whatever happens. People to spoil the fun. Let's not encourage them. Let's call out the behavior, but let's not call out the whole community as if being a gamer meant complicity. Or being male.
It's about as effective as "men can stop rape", when the men who even hear this message...are not rapists. Those who don't hear it won't care one bit for being shamed by those who tell this message, in the first place. And it completely erases female-perpetrated rape.
To the original article and the author's subsequent comments: when your main criticism boils down to tone ("condescending"), it's likely that the substance of your argument is lacking. That some of the things Tait said made you feel bad doesn't have anything to do with whether his points are valid.
ReplyDelete"That some of the things Tait said made you feel bad doesn't have anything to do with whether his points are valid."
ReplyDeleteTait is the new Hugo Schwyzer, shaming-of-men extraordinaire, to make up for errors of youth. Also gives a huge pass to anything women do (which is a blatant double standard, if there ever was one).
Basically what Tait says seem to boil down to "Nerds merit being bashed, because they *really* are smelly, ugly, living in their parent's basement", it's not constructive for one second.
My main criticism is that he is making false conclusions based on no evidence. He hides it behind his good intentions, and then he accuses those who disagree as being sexists or equivalents of "Uncle Toms." If you don't think this invalidates his argument, then you probably already agreed with him. Which is fine, but there is no quantitative evidence to support you at all.
ReplyDeleteI can take quotes out of context, choose specific ones from online forums where people post anonymously, and tell anecdotes about ANY issue - People who already agree with me will defend it and continue to agree under the confirmation bias. It is still going to be a weak argument.
He uses false, illogical assumptions to support his weak argument. He also combines this illogical approach with a few misquotes and a grossly misconstrued article reference. The author of the article even took the time to respond directly to Geordie, essentially saying that he took the article out of context and characterized him inaccurately.
I don't feel bad necessarily, as much as I feel disappointed and confused. This is someone who has experience with nerd culture making the same mistakes he was subjected to growing up. Then he generalizes it to a group he was neither a part of nor understands at all (General male gaming community). If out of context quotes, a weak argument based on no quantitative evidence, and a grossly misconstrued article reference do not show you the huge issues with his article, then reasoning with you is hopeless.