Monday, May 28, 2012

The Perfect Week

My excitement has been building steadily for E3, an electronic entertainment expo where each of the biggest software and hardware developers will gather to discuss details about plans for the rest of the year as well as a general vision for the future. We'll get to see all of the most anticipated titles from a variety of developers including Nintendo, Ubisoft, Naughty Dog, and Electronic Arts. It will be an incredibly busy week to say the least. I'll be carefully watching each press conference and writing furiously throughout the four days of the expo. Here's a rundown of each day for anyone interested in the abundance of coverage that will be provided:

Day 1: This year Nintendo will be kicking off the conference with arguably the biggest press conference of the event. Out of the three hardware developers (Microsoft and Sony are the other two) Nintendo is the only one that will introduce and provide details for a new console. The Wii U received mixed reactions when it was first unveiled, and Nintendo has a lot to prove at this year's E3. The tablet controller is the main feature of the console, as well as an upgrade to high definition graphics. However, it is still a mystery and has been redesigned a few times since it was unveiled. The key is going to be the software lineup available at launch. After a disappointing launch to the 3DS, Nintendo has learned that the software lineup is crucial to make a console launch successful. Hopefully after the press conference, Nintendo will be able to convince consumers and other developers that their hardware is unique and worth picking up when it's released this fall.

Aside from the Wii U, Nintendo will be discussing an impressive lineup for the 3DS, including games from almost every major 3rd party developer of handheld games. Many are expecting a 3DS lite system to be unveiled at the press conference, which would make sense considering Nintendo's history of redesigning and repackaging handheld systems. A big focus of the 3DS portion of the conference is going to be connectivity with the Wii U, and we have already heard a few developers comment on the expanded connectivity relative to the original DS and the Wii. This is, by far, my most anticipated conference, and I absolutely cannot wait to see what the industry's most innovative have planned for the future.

Day 2: The second day of the conference will be mainly third party exhibitions, with Ubisoft and Activision/Blizzard having the largest presence. Many are looking for details of the next Starcraft 2, Heart of the Swarm, from Blizzard. They will also be announcing a beta for the next WoW expansion. Activision will be unveiling the next Call of Duty game, and they have also promised a new franchise which is both surprising and exciting. I am personally looking forward most to the new franchises and games series that will be introduced. The Last of Us was introduced earlier this year by Naughty Dog, and there are incredibly high expectations from such a reputable studio. More than anything, E3 is about the games, and more details about the biggest titles of the year will be discussed on day 2 than any of the other days. This is also usually the day of the most surprises, which always makes it interesting.

Day 3: Microsoft's presentation will most likely be the most polished as usual, but it is expected to be on the shorter side. Unlike most other years, they will have an extra day to digest the Nintendo press conference and adjust their presentation accordingly. Although Microsoft have said repeatedly that they will not be discussing their next console, there isn't a whole lot else to talk about. Kinect titles have generally received lukewarm reactions. I personally have no interest in Kinect titles or functionality, and if they don't announce any huge first party titles it will be a disappointment. The saving grace for Microsoft could be Halo 4, and hopefully it will be playable on the show floor.

Day 4: The Sony press conference is perhaps the most unpredictable. However, I trust that they will introduce unique first party titles, as well as give details on some of their anticipated titles set to release this year. Like Microsoft, Sony has promised that there will be no announcement of a new console or new hardware. Unlike Microsoft, however, Sony already has first and second party titles to discuss at the conference. It would be smart for Sony to focus on their Playstation Vita software lineup, as it includes a wide variety of titles. Since the Vita needs stronger marketing and more exposure, it would be smart for Sony to focus on the upcoming titles. A price cut would also help to boost sales post E3.

If the Sony conference wasn't exciting enough, I'll be looking forward to the midnight premiere of Prometheus, my most anticipated movie of the year. With an incredible cast, a director with an impeccable history with science fiction films, and a massive budget, expectations are monumentally high.

The Weekend: After four days of coverage, I'll most likely be exhausted. However, the fun doesn't stop there! In fact, most of the entire weekend will be incredibly busy. During the day, I'll be watching and covering MLG Anaheim, a major Starcraft tournament. Friday night I will get to listen to the beautiful 25th Anniversary Zelda orchestra concert. I've already heard many of the songs and they are amazing. Saturday night will be filled with post E3 events, and it should provide a break from all the craziness.

With so many awesome events lined up for the week, it should be an incredible experience. I absolutely cannot wait for this year's E3 week.

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