Monday, July 12, 2010

The Little Things in Life

This summer has been tiring, but very rewarding. Although I stayed fairly busy, I only took one class during the first session of William and Mary's summer semester, so it gave me some time to reflect and make a list of things that I thoroughly enjoy but often take for granted. Many refer to these overlooked sources of joy as "the little things in life."

5. Cigars - At first, my enjoyment of cigars didn't necessarily come from the smoking but the conversations I had with people while smoking. From traditional "guy talk" to an excessively random assortment of facts, there were always interesting topics to discuss. It helped that the aroma of the cigars were very relaxing. This summer, however, I've been able to try a variety of cigars, and once I found the perfect drink to complement my favorite cigar (Cafe Americano), I truly began to appreciate the complexity of the flavor of cigars. It's tough to beat smoking a cigar with a few friends while sipping on some coffee and having an intellectual conversation about why Jessica Alba is hotter than Megan Fox.

4. Video Games - Well, I have been playing video games since I was a child. Regardless of my mood, they are always there for me to enjoy. They help me forget for a while that I'm living in a real world with real problems. The greatest thing about video games is how versatile they are as a form of entertainment. When I am feeling competitive, I can play some Smash or Halo online or invite some friends over and play over a local network. If I just want to play by myself, there are a plethora of options for single player games like puzzle games, shooters, platformers, role playing games, or music games. Each of these genres are challenging, rewarding, and dangerously addictive in their own way. My personal favorite game of all time has to be Super Mario Galaxy 2, which is one of the most imaginative and creative games out there.

3. Vanilla Coke - Everyone should have a "Go To" comfort food or drink, and for me it is Vanilla Coke. Although it's not my favorite drink (that title goes to Pepsi), it always boosts my spirits when I need it most. What sets it apart from other pop (Yes, I call it pop) is the vanilla flavor that makes it go down so smooth. Mmmmm....

2. The Sunset - Honestly, I have taken nature for granted more than most. Despite that, this summer I've noticed how beautiful the William and Mary campus is. I was reading a book outside of Jamestown Hall, and I looked up while the sun was setting. I literally dropped my book, walked inside, and got my camera just so I could capture the moment. One of my favorite days was during the summer after my freshman year in high school with my girlfriend. It had been a rough summer, but that day we just held hands and enjoyed the gorgeous sunset. There was really no need for words. It was almost like a scene in a movie, and it was one of the most memorable and humbling days of my life. Every time I see a sunset, I remember the powerful impact nature can have on people.

1. Reading - Before movie theaters, radios, and televisions there were books. Even now, no other medium can leave as deep an impact as or influence people like books. To me, a good book is like a stimulating conversation between the author and the reader. If written imaginatively and passionately, a book is so engrossing that it can allow the reader to become attached to the story and all of its characters. Along the way, the reader can learn so much about him/herself and life in general. There is truly nothing like curling up in the study next to the fireplace, with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book. In summation, I love reading and I'm proud to be a bookwork.


  1. Very cool - I thoroughly agree with the sunset and reading. I remember staying up at night for hours after my bedtime (which back then was like 10, so I guess I stayed up til 1?) to finish a book that I just couldn't put down. Overall I have to agree that this is a pretty solid list, I like it :D

  2. Can't say I have much experience with the first three (aside from the occasional Vanilla Coke). I'm totally with you on the sunset and reading, especially the sunset. Nature has a great spirituality about it.

  3. Well written. Life is too important to waste on the big picture all the time. Always gotta take the time to enjoy the little things in life.
