Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Top 10: Best Movies of 2012

To say I'm a movie enthusiast is an understatement; movies are unique mediums for storytelling. It's been a particularly impressive year for movies not just because of the sheer number of exceptional releases, but also because of the incredible variety. Since the nominees for the Oscars are going to be announced tomorrow, I figured it would be a good time to think about my favorite movies of 2012:

10. The Master

This film was never going to be a commercial success, it was marketed as a smart, slow paced, psychological thriller. It was thought-provoking, perplexing, haunting, and engaging all at once. The casting was excellent; the combination of Joaquin Pheonix, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Amy Adams worked well. If you're looking for a movie that makes you think, then this one's for you.

9. Les Miserables

This was my most anticipated film of the year, and unfortunately it didn't quite live up to the hype. Still, it was the best movie musical since Chicago, which is a huge accomplishment. It was unique, well acted, and most importantly it was emotionally engaging. Anne Hathaway was particularly impressive, and she will most likely be the front runner for best supporting actress. I would recommend this to anyone who likes musicals.

8. Django Unchained

Very few movies can keep me entertained throughout, especially for over two hours. In fact, that was my main reason for excluding Skyfall- its pacing was noticeably clunky, and there were twenty minute chunks when I was thoroughly bored. On the other hand, Quentin Tarantino delivered a movie with exceptional pacing.It was bold, violent, over the top, and a lot of fun. I was impressed by Christoph Waltz's exceptional acting, which made up for the lackluster performances of Jamie Foxx and Leonadria DiCaprio. If you're a fan of Tarantino, it doesn't get much better than this.

7. Your Sister's Sister

This was a great year in general for romantic comedies. The plot and script were well crafted and unique, but what set this one apart was the brilliant acting from Emily Blunt and Mark Duplass. Rosemarie Dewitt was also excellent in the role of supporting actress. The characterization was excellent, and the story seemed believable. I would recommend this to anyone who likes romantic comedies.

6. Beasts of the Southern Wild

I hadn't heard much about this one before I watched it, so I didn't know what to expect. By the end, I was truly moved. Although it was framed as a film about post-natural disaster survival, it was all about adventure, wonder, growing up, and the power of imagination. It beautifully captured the evolving relationship between a child and her father as they went on a wondrous journey. Quvenzhane Wallis gives an absolutely amazing performance, and even at 9 years old she deserves a nomination for best actress. There was nothing else quite like this in 2012. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a fantastical adventure movie.

5. Moonrise Kingdom

This movie was about two kids who run away together and fall in love. This was one of the films on the list that hinged on unique, stylistic direction. It could have been a conventional, run-of-the-mill experience and it still would have been enjoyable. However, Wes Anderson made this story smart and fresh. The characters were quirky and charming, the plot was a little crazy, and it was an absolute delight throughout. Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, and Bill Murray were great choices for supporting roles. Kara Hayward and Jared Gilman really impressed as the leads, with performances that captured the awkwardness and purity of young love. I would recommend this heartwarming, feel-good movie to anyone.

4. Zero Dark Thirty

The top four were tough to figure out. They were all exceptional films in their own right. This movie, about the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, was extremely well crafted. Jessica Chastain delivered a spectacular performance as always, and the supporting cast worked well. While some argued that the portrayal of torture was controversial and unnecessary, I wholeheartedly disagreed. It was the attention to details that made it so compelling, and without that the pacing would have been too slow. It was the best political thriller I've seen in years.

3. Lincoln

This was one of many films this year that enjoyed both critical praise and huge commercial success. It was the only film on this list that I would absolutely recommend watching in theaters. The dialogue and direction was so engaging, that it would be a shame not to experience this with an enthusiastic group on the big screen. Particularly the subtle humor helped to capture the movie theater experience. Daniel Day Lewis gave yet another spot-on performance as Abe Lincoln, and he will surely be the front runner for best actor. The supporting cast of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, David Strathairn, James Spader, Sally Field, and Tommy Lee Jones was phenomenal. I would recommend this to anyone.

2. Argo

Ben Affleck has become my favorite director. He accomplishes what most directors consider unrealistic; he creates movies that are engaging, complex, and smart while maintaining accessibility to any audience - and he does this on a consistent basis. Oh yeah, did I mention he also delivered a wonderful performance as the protagonist? The plot, based on true events, was unique and dramatize just enough to remain believable. Going to see Argo was the most fun I had watching any movie this year. This was truly a film made for movie lovers.

1. Silver Linings Playbook

The director, David Russell, chose the monumental task of balancing comedy, drama, a tricky theme, and complex character development - and he achieved that balance with perfection. For that, he deserves the award for best director. Each character, including the supporting roles, had incredible depth and complexity. This movie demonstrated the healing powers of love. It shows us that we're all a little crazy sometimes, and that is not only okay - but it should be celebrated. The acting was immaculate. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper both delivered the best performances of their careers, and they will both most likely be nominated for best actress/ best actor respectively. In fact, I believe they deserve to win. The subtle genius of the acting and the dialogue sticks with you long after the movie is over. Every time I see this movie (and I've seen it three times already), I've enjoyed it even more. It will make you cry; it will make you laugh; it will make you think. Go see it !

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